Tots som llavor d'oblit.
El celistre que corca
quaderns, carpetes, llibres,
ho amara tot de sal.
Ser feliç és un plagi,
escriure un deure amarg.
No vivim, les paraules
ens desviuen i ens fan,
cercadors enfebrits
de bellesa, perduts
presoners d'una pàgina.
Naufragam en gargots.
Ponç Pons, "Tristia"
We are all seed of oblivion.
The sharp draught that consumes
notes, folders and books
steeps everything in salt.
Being happy is plagiary,
writing a bitter duty.
We do not live, the words
undo us, making of us
feverish seekers
of beauty, the lost
prisoners of a page.
We are wrecked on scribbles.
Photo: Yale Joel
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